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GGC Volunteers Ltd is an Australian registered charity. You can click on the ACNC icon above to check our charity registration. We support those organisations, programs and facilities in Vietnam that fulfil our charitable purpose. We do this by sending great volunteers and student groups to assist in improving the health, education and social welfare of the children within the Da Nang region under the auspices of a small but very dedicated Vietnamese social entity.
We have three hard working voluntary Directors in Australia, where we are based, and all of us have spent time volunteering in Vietnam with this program.
We know it, we love it, we support it.
We want to share it with you!
But first, you should know something about us....we aren't high tech, or 'corporate'. Our photos are usually taken on a phone with one child on our hip and three hanging off our legs. We are scrupulously honest and hard working and we care that you are well prepared and organised for your trip. That we may help change the lives of the children, staff and families in Vietnam is everything to us.

About us...
Darren Corea - Physiotherapist & Managing Director
Individual Volunteer and Student Clinical Placement Coordinator, Therapy Consultant

Darren comes with a wealth of knowledge within the physiotherapy field of study. His career within Paediatric physiotherapy started with an international clinical placement in Vietnam. His passion continued to develop with his work through CPL (Choice, Passion, Life) working with a variety of paediatric clientele. He continued his work with GGC Volunteers as a clinical educator with Bond University. This led to him becoming Managing Director of GGC Volunteers. His passion for paediatrics and disability stemmed from his care for his daughter (Shiloh) who; like many of the children in Vietnam, has a severe disability that impacts every aspect of her life.
Children everywhere deserve to receive proper care like Shiloh and it has been Darren's mission to ensure the children who participate within the GGC program receive the best care possible.
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Jade is a yoga therapist who specializes in working with both children and adults with special needs. After a volunteer trip with GGC volunteers, Jade found herself asking what more she could do to assist and was truly delighted when there was an opportunity to become a director for GGC Volunteers.
Like Darren, Jade’s daughter was born with cerebral palsy giving her a unique insight the joys and challenges in the world of disability. The experience of parenting a child with special needs fuels her passion in helping children and families around the world that don’t have access to the same resources that her family has received.
Jade Maberly-Stenner - Director

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Take a look at our yearly activities.
The following report is a summary of the activities of GGC Volunteers Limited in 2015-2016. Please read it to find out some of the ways we are working toward achieving our charitable goals
Click on GGC Volunteers Limited 2016-2017 Annual Report here.
Click on GGC Volunteers Limited 2017-2018 Annual report here